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Exclusive Books: Top 10 Bestsellers of 2005


Remember this? Fanatics celebrated its 10th anniversary in 2007. Fanatics celebrated every fanatical year of their first decade by going back in time, through the Top 10 books from each and every year.

We picked our favourites from the bestselling titles from 1998 to 2007  (We’ve extended this to include the last five years). In these lists Fanatics also included the VIBs (Very Important Books), the cult classics of books as chosen by the Exclusive Books store managers.

What you see below is a combination of books that hit the top sales charts in 2005, and books that captured the imaginations of many, and remain close to our hearts.

Click here to view the full list of top 10’s for 15 years (1998 – 2012)

10. The Tipping Point

The Tipping Point is an intellectual adventure story written with an infectious enthusiasm for the power and joy of new idea. Most of all, it is a road map to change, with a profoundly hopeful message, that one imaginative person applying a well-placed lever can move the world.

9. Mao’s Last Dancer by Li Cunxin

This is the true story of how one moment changed the course of a small boy’s life. One day he would dance with some of the greatest ballet companies of the world. One day he would be a friend to a president, movie stars and the most influential people in America. One day he would become a star.

8. The Number by Jonny Steinberg

A tale of modern South Africa seen though the eyes of the country’s underclass. The book is an account of memory and identity, of Magadien Wentzel’s project to make some sense of his bewildering past and something worthy of his future.

7. My Sister’s Keeper by Jodi Picoult

The only treason Anna was born was to donate her spinal cord blood cells to her older sister. Anna has undergone countless surgeries, transfusions and shots so that her sister, Kate can fight the leukemia that has plagued her since she was a child. Now Anna wants control over her own body and life.

6. He’s Just Not That Into You by Greg Behrendt and Liz Tuccillo

An entertaining to interpreting men, from a writer and a consultant to ‘Sex and the City’. A no-holds-barred decoder of male behaviour, this book isn’t just about eliminating the bad apples – it’s also about holding onto the good ones.

5. The 8th Habit by Stephen R. Covey

That the world has changed and is continuing to change at a rapid pace is not news. The Consumer revolution has accelerated dramatically. But something vital is missing in all of this. Leadership has not kept up with the changes going on in the world.

4. Thabo Mbeki and the Battle for the Soul of the ANC by William Mervin Gumede

As a spokesman for a country, a continent and the developing world, Thabo Mbeki plays a crucial role in world politics, but to many people he is an enigma. This book explores the complex position that Mbeki occupies, following in Nelson Mandela’s footsteps, heading a party with roots as liberation movement, and ruling a divided country.

3. The World According to Clarkson by Jeremy Clarkson

The world is an exciting and confusing place for Jeremy Clarkson – a man who can find the overgrown school boy in us all. Exposing absurdity and celebrating eccentricity, this book offers a hilarious snapshot of life in the 21st century that will have readers wincing with embarrassed recognition and crying with laughter. It’s not about the cars!

2. Capitalist Nigger by Chika A. Onyeani

Capitalist Nigger excels as an explosive and jarring indictment of the black race, as naturally endowed as any other, but culpably a non-productive race. Only as ‘Economic Warriors’, employing the ‘Spider Web Economic Doctrine’ can the black Race escape form their victim mentality

1. Angels and Demons by Dan Brown

When a scientist is found brutally murdered, Harvard professor Robert Langdon is asked to identify the mysterious symbol seared onto the dead man’s chest. He realises it must be the work of the Illuminati, a secret brotherhood sworn to fight against Catholicism, and the race is on to prevent a further tragedy.

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