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"Sometimes the questions are complicated and the answers are simple."

~ Dr. Suess

"I love deadlines. I like the whooshing sound they make as they fly by."

~ Douglas Adams

"Don't tell me the moon is shining; show me the glint of light on broken glass."

~ Anton Chekhov

Tag Archives | Moxyland

The Second Twitter Town Hall with Lauren Beukes!


We are excited to announce that we have captured the obscenely talented Lauren Beukes for a whole two hours of Twitter Town Hall! We’ll be talking about her brand-new, much-lauded new book Broken Monsters, now available in South Africa. Wait! What’s this thing?  A town hall is an online gathering, in which we shelter under […]

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Review of The Shining Girls by Lauren Beukes

Shining Girls, The

It isn’t often that a book comes around and refuses to sit in one neat genre– it just isn’t polite. Usually a book can be allocated its genre within a moment of reading the blurb and glancing at the jacket. But then there’s The Shining Girls, which gleefully refuses to pick a genre box to […]

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Dinner and Murder with Lauren Beukes, Author of The Shining Girls

Shining Girls, The

One of the best parts about working in the book industry is that one gets to meet great authors, and sometimes have dinner with them. Last night Exclus1ves went to dinner with Random House and Lauren Beukes, and we celebrated the launch of this year’s most interesting book (in this bookseller’s opinion). We were also […]

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