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~ Douglas Adams

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~ Anton Chekhov

"Sometimes the questions are complicated and the answers are simple."

~ Dr. Suess

Tag Archives | Elie Wiesel

A Memorial on the Death of Elie Wiesel by Benjamin Trisk

Elie Wiesel

Exclusive Books CEO Benjamin Trisk has provided this in memoriam for noted humanist Elie Wiesel, who died on Saturday 02 July 2016, aged 87: Elie Wiesel died on July 2nd. More than any other single person he drew the attention of the American public to the Holocaust. He acted out its lessons all his life: […]

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Review of Two Brothers by Ben Elton

two brothers

Two Brothers by Ben Elton I don’t usually dip into historical fiction, as the writers often hide poor character-building behind supposed historical accuracy instead. Often the books are unreadable due to their saturation of research and lack of coherent plot or technical ability. But Two Brothers is not ruined by either of these things: instead it manages […]

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