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"Don't tell me the moon is shining; show me the glint of light on broken glass."

~ Anton Chekhov

"I love deadlines. I like the whooshing sound they make as they fly by."

~ Douglas Adams

"Sometimes the questions are complicated and the answers are simple."

~ Dr. Suess

Tag Archives | The Book Thief

#EBTeenReads: Welcome to 2014

#EBTeenReads: Welcome to 2014

Hello, readers, writers and fans of teen and young adult fiction! We return in 2014, a year that includes the launch of The Book Thief, Vampire Academy, The Fault in our Stars, Divergent and The Maze, hot on the heels of Ender’s Game last year. With so many teen books being turned into movies and the splendid […]

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Review of Two Brothers by Ben Elton

two brothers

Two Brothers by Ben Elton I don’t usually dip into historical fiction, as the writers often hide poor character-building behind supposed historical accuracy instead. Often the books are unreadable due to their saturation of research and lack of coherent plot or technical ability. But Two Brothers is not ruined by either of these things: instead it manages […]

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Exclusive Books: Top 10 Bestsellers of 2007


Remember this? Fanatics celebrated its 10th anniversary in 2007. Fanatics celebrated every fanatical year of their first decade by going back in time, through the Top 10 books from each and every year. We picked our favourites from the bestselling titles from 1998 to 2007  (We’ve extended this to include the last five years). In […]

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