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"I love deadlines. I like the whooshing sound they make as they fly by."

~ Douglas Adams

"Don't tell me the moon is shining; show me the glint of light on broken glass."

~ Anton Chekhov

"Sometimes the questions are complicated and the answers are simple."

~ Dr. Suess

Tag Archives | Lauren Beukes

The Second Twitter Town Hall with Lauren Beukes!


We are excited to announce that we have captured the obscenely talented Lauren Beukes for a whole two hours of Twitter Town Hall! We’ll be talking about her brand-new, much-lauded new book Broken Monsters, now available in South Africa. Wait! What’s this thing?  A town hall is an online gathering, in which we shelter under […]

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The Hall of Many Tweets

Dear readers, I don’t think I’ve ever had to scramble so hard to keep up with a veritable snowstorm of tweets. We were very lucky to have nine amazing authors join in us for two whole hours, alongside a few guest authors who dropped in to share their thoughts and views on the past, present […]

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The Big, Bad Speculative Fiction Twitter Town Hall

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Dear readers, There is a definite rise in South African superstar authors, and it is well deserved. With Lauren Beukes and Sarah Lotz securing mega-auction prizes for their books, it heralds a bright and intellectual chapter in South African literature. It is particularly gratifying to see the rise and rise of speculative fiction, an old […]

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Review of The Shining Girls by Lauren Beukes

Shining Girls, The

It isn’t often that a book comes around and refuses to sit in one neat genre– it just isn’t polite. Usually a book can be allocated its genre within a moment of reading the blurb and glancing at the jacket. But then there’s The Shining Girls, which gleefully refuses to pick a genre box to […]

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Dinner and Murder with Lauren Beukes, Author of The Shining Girls

Shining Girls, The

One of the best parts about working in the book industry is that one gets to meet great authors, and sometimes have dinner with them. Last night Exclus1ves went to dinner with Random House and Lauren Beukes, and we celebrated the launch of this year’s most interesting book (in this bookseller’s opinion). We were also […]

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Zoo City by Lauren Beukes To Be Made Into a Film

Zoo City

The Bookseller reported that the film rights to Lauren Beukes’ award winning novel, Zoo City have been sold to South African filmmaker, Helena Spring. Beukes said: “Every novelist dreams of a movie deal—but you actually want more than that. You want to find a  producer of great vision and integrity and experience who fundamentally gets […]

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Lauren Beukes Lands HarperCollins Publishing Deal

After a heated and unusual five-way auction, Harpercollins has snagged Lauren Beukes‘ partial manuscript for The Shining Girls. With the current recession publishers are having fewer and fewer auctions for titles, so this is definitely a special manuscript! Pegged for release in May 2013, The Shining Girls might be one of the biggest hits of that […]

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Zoo City by Lauren Beukes

About the Book: Set in a Johannesburg not unlike our own, the novel features Zinzi December, an underclass tough-chick with a witty mouth, a sloth on her back who pulls 419 scams for a living. She also occasionally finds lost things, for a fee of course. When she is hired to do her least favourite […]

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